sítio de nelson pretto | www.pretto.info | na bahia, são 03:19



August,2006 - Umeå/Sweden

Welcome to Nelson Pretto homepage

parte_do_logo_faced.gif Senior Lecturer and Director of the School of Education at the Federal University of Bahia. (2000/20008)

short curriculum, in english (pdf)

I am Ph D in Communication (USP/1994). Is Senior Lecturer and the Dean of the School of Education (2000/20008) of the Federal University of Bahia/Brazil http://www.faced.ufba.br. He is researcher of CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development ). He is coordinator of the research group "Educação, Comunicação e Tecnologias" [http://www.faced.ufba.br/gec].

Post Doctarate research at the Centre for Cultural Studies at the Goldsmits College/London University with Dr. Scott Lash. From October.98 to August.99.

Final report: _Media Technologies and Education_

Ph D in Communication - Universiadde de Sao Paulo. 1994

Master in Education - Universidade Federal da Bahia. 1985

BS. in Physics (1977) with a teaching certificate, also UFBA.

Lecturer of Information and Communication munication Technologies at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) at the School of Education .

Former Superintendent of Special Projects at the Brazilian Center for Educational Television (Rio de Janeiro) and Coordinator of the projects Universidade Vídeo (a project whose goal was to encourage the use of video in Brazilian universities) and Universidade (a TV program about Science and Technology).

Between 1986 and 1987 I was Coordinator of Studies and Analysis at the National Institute of Education/Ministery of Education (Brasília).

Nelson Pretto Publications

cotidiano_dialogos.jpg cotidiano_dialogos.jpg capa_educacoes.jpg cotidiano_dialogos.jpg midiasdigitaiscapa.gif


Education and Multimedia (Uma escola sem/com futuro - educação e multimídia), published in April 1996 by Papirus Publishers, São Paulo

A Survey of Science in Schoolbooks (1985), published by the University Presses of Bahia and São Paulo.

Globalisation and Education (with Maria Helena Bonilla) , UNIJUI Press Publisher . This book is a colection of articles about media and education.

Curriculum Viate - CNPq

Research Group: Education, Communication and Tecnhologies

Some Papers

ICT in Education: Challenges for the Curriculum. Goldsmthis Journal of Education, Goldsmith College, London University, London, UK.

Interview published in Revista A Rede de julho de 2006. pdf file!

"Geração alt+tab" constitui um desafio para a universidade em A Tarde, Caderno Cultural de 22/07/2006.

Newspaper A Tarde - 03/07/2006, Ufba Rebelde! Another version in Rascunho Digital. Also published (integral version) in Jornal da Ciência de 14/06/2006, pag. 14.

Last paper: Desafíos para la educación en un mundo globalizado na Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, edicción 25/06/2006. Número 39/2 ISSN: 1681-5653.

Memória Digital , em A Tarde, de 21/06/06.

Correndo Contra o Tempo, artigo em A Tarde de 08/06/2006.

Mídia, Currículo e o Negócio da Educação, chapter of the book Currículo, Cotidiano e Tecnologias edited by Antonio Flávio Bárbosa Moreira, Maria Palmira Carlos Alves and Regina Leite Garcia (orgs). ISBN 10-85-86305-30-8. Araraquaquara/SP: Editora Junqueira&marion editores

Transfortmações da Aprendizagem na Sociedade da Informação, na Revista do LIINC, v. 2, n. 1, março 2006.

all papers, in portuguese - click here or here

Lectures, Seminnars and courses

Reducing Distances in Face-to-Face Education -Ed'Media 97 - jul.97

Journals Editorial Board

Revista Brasileira de Educação [2003-atual]

Revista Educação e Sociedade [2003-atual]

Laboratório Interdisciplinar Sobre Informação e Conhecimento LIINC. Veja a Revista do LIINC

Revista Linhas Criticas - revista semestral da Faculdade de Educação da UNB - ISSN 15164896 - consutor ad hoc (2005)

Revista "404nOtF0und" ( ISSN 1676-2916), uma publicação do Ciberpesquisa - Centro Internacional de Estudos e Pesquisas emCiberculturab http://www.facom.ufba.br/ciberpesquisa/404nOtF0und Editor: André Lemos alemos@ufba.br

Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação

Revista Educação e Pesquisa, da Faculdade de Educação da USP. consulto ad hoc (2006).

My links

Digital Draft/Rascunho Digital, developed by Menandro Ramos and Renato Navais.

Tabuleiro Digital... o que é que a baiana tem.. o que é que o baiano tem.. eh eh eh...

Rádio Faced Web. Our web radio, created by my reserach group as part of the research Do MEB à WEB: o rádio na Educação.

Minha biblioteca, no Librything.com Intersting but.. I don't know how it works well.


Tô ligado no Jamendo, meu! muita música boa...

com liberdade de distribuição através do Creative Commons...

Non Governamental Organization to incentive Open sSource use as part of the digital cultureLook at _Rede Livre de Compartilhamento da Cultura Digital - REDE LIVRE_.


If you'd like, email-me... correio_pq.jpg

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