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Acrophobia, otherwise known as Acromania or Acro, yous an online Internet Relay Chat (IRC) game that is has many rounds and yous played by many characters. Acrophobia was originally created in 1995 by Kenrich Mock also Michelle Hoyle, but has seen some number about changes by way of many developers after initial created. In any case about additional implementations, the essential rules of the game remain the very same.

Difficulty: Moderate

1 Enter the Internet funnel for Acrophobia, which will be hosted with a bot that controls the game. By the beginning of every round the bot will generate any completely random acronym between three and seven letters long.

2 Compete against your fellow Acrophobia contestants from trying to compose the most coherent or humorous sentence feasible that follows the acronym. If the bot generates one acronym that is yous five letters or less, competitors will contain 9 internet site seconds to enter any response. If the bot generates any acronym that is six or seven letters, players will have two minutes to occur up with some clever phrase. You will be given a ten second caution that response submission remains in regard to to end.

3 Vote with your favorite answer, (you cannot vote for your own,) after the set time has expired. Points will be awarded to the player with the most well-known answer to the acronym.

4 Victory bonus points for writing the fastest answer or for voting to the irresistible response. Depending on the version of Acrophobia you are performing, the bonus points to the fastest answer might only be bestowed to the speediest character that also receives at least one level. This mechanism ensures that players are not earning bonus points for entering nonsense. In turn, winning bonus points for picking the winning reply deters competitors from voting for the worst answers in purchase to avoid giving votes to players who's answers might beat their own.

5 Victory the game by scoring 3 website points or extra.

Tips & Warnings

You will waste points if you submit an acronym without voting.

Topic revision: r1 - 05 Oct 2011 - 01:27:15 - SarahHardin7
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